Best Caesar Salad
in Ulster County
August 9, 2003 
The Rosendale Cement Company
was one of six restaurants invited to compete in Ulster County's first
Caesar Salad Search, and we are so happy they came; their Caesar Salad was
to die for!
Their salad won two categories: Best
Traditional and Most Creative.
You can summarize the passion
behind this great salad this way: after tasting one of their winning
salads, a woman exclaimed as she was eating:
“This is the best Caesar Salad I ever had; I wish it would never
Who created this magnificent
salad? Chef Jonathan Sheridan. Sheridan began working at the Rosendale
Cement Company just a few weeks before New York’s Best Caesar Salad
Contest 2003. In preparation
for the event, he ordered what he thought would be a few heads of romaine
lettuce. What he got was a few
cases! With so many heads of
romaine, Sheridan took immediate action, and worked on creating a special
Caesar Salad. He put it on as a Special on the Lunch Menu.
Well - people just raved about it!
It was such a hit that they decided to put it on the menu
permanently. Go figure - what a
great Chef can do with a few extra heads of lettuce!
July 18, 2003: Lunch
- Caesar Salad wrap at the Airstream Bar
This restaurant pulled us in
with its "world's only Airstream bar" claim....(Airstream: world
renowned travel trailer and motor homes producer)
Walking by one late, summer
evening, we couldn't resist the restaurant's tiny bright lights and
beautiful gardens alongside Roundout Creek. The drinks were
fantastic, and we promised to return to try their chicken caesar salad
wrap (served on their lunch menu).
Typically, I do not rate salad
wraps, but I couldn't refuse another trip to the restaurant.
It was late in the afternoon
and we were the last guests there. The Airstream bartender was quite
congenial and entertained us with vivid storytelling as we sipped
delectable frozen drinks. We sat in the impressive outdoor garden area
which includes a koi pond, fountain, herb and cutting garden.
Stuffed with juicy grilled
chicken, romaine, cheese and lots of creamy caesar dressing, the wrap
greeted us with hungry eyes. Each bite was filled with spiciness, with
some dominant anchovy flavor.
I have had caesar salad wraps
before, but this was one of the best as far a "savory and
creative" wrap goes. And the unique history, location and
scenery adds generously to the whole experience. Check out their
website for some interesting historical details....
- CS